Thursday, March 13, 2008

Making Money on the Internet

There are lots of ways you can make money on the Internet. You can sell things via classified ads, auctions or even create your own web site to sell your products or services. Creating and selling your own e-books is one excellent idea.

What to sell
One thing that can be sold on the web is access to information! This usually comes in the form of subscriptions to newsletters, or sales of books or reports. Check out these report titles for example. One advantage of selling information, or access to the information, is that these can be delivered electronically. This means there is no product to manufacture or ship. All you need to do is set up a mechanism for delivering the content, such as a web site, and everything (except marketing) takes care of itself.
People crave information that appeals to their basic needs and will somehow educate or enlighten them. Simply by putting your own specialized information into e-books, manuals, reports, e-zines or newsletters, you can start putting a hefty price on information you have no doubt been giving away. Makes sense doesn't it?
If you are able to communicate an idea to another person, then you've got what it takes to be an e-author. All you have to do is write down that idea (or a couple of them) and publish it as an e-book. After that, just set up a website and start marketing your product. That's it! You could be making a lot of money in no time! Sounds good right? Click here for more information.
Besides selling products, you can make money by selling advertising to people who want traffic sent to their web site from yours. Banner Advertising and Affiliations are two types of programs that fall into this category. These programs pay you from a few cents for each click on their banner to a large commission for the sale of their product or service.
Here's a sample report, from our Valuable Information section, entitled How to Get People to Visit Your Website.
Here's a free report for Windows users - 164 Ways To Attract Customers And Make Money With Your Website! Your Free Guide to Online Success!
Here are some good Internet marketing resources:
Make Your Site Sell
Tools for making money on the Internet:
Adwords and Adsense
Site Build It!
Banner Exchanges
Link Exchanges
Mailing Lists
Merchant Accounts
Pay Per Click Advertising
Submission Services and Software

Adwords and Adsense
These two Google programs are very popular ways to both advertise and make money on your website. Adwords are ads that you pay for each time someone clicks on your ad. You create Adwords ads based on keywords that you think people will type into the Google search engine, when looking for your product or service. When people search for your keywords, your ad appears on the right hand side of the search listings.
Adwords also appear on websites that are signed up in the Adsense program. Each time a visitor clicks on one of these ads, the advertiser pays an amount and the website owner collects part of that amount from Google. Some website owners make thousands of dollars a month from Adsense.
For more information, click one of the Google ads at the bottom of this page.
Affiliations are a good way to make money on the Internet. There are hundreds of affiliate programs available to choose from, representing many different kinds of products. The first, and probably most famous, affiliate program was's. The great thing about affiliate programs is that you don't need a product, or even a web site, to make money on the Internet. Many affiliate programs give you a web site to advertise, and that's really all there is to making money this way. Promote, promote, promote!
Things you should look for in an affiliate program are reporting capabilities (so you can see what sales you've made, what commissions are due you and whether they've been paid), multi-tier programs (so you can get paid commissions on the sales of affiliates that have purchased from you), and perhaps most importantly, contact information, should a question or problem arise. High commissions are a big bonus too.
Site Build It!
SBI! is more than a Web host. It's a one-of-a-kind blend of content, process and tools that drives success (domain name and hosting included). SBI! grows Top 3% Traffic Sites that generate substantial income... and freedom. Here's an easy way to build a successful website on your passion.
[Tools menu]

Autoresponders can make your advertising efforts easier and more lucrative. With an autoresponder, when a potential customer wishes more information about your product, they are automatically sent an e-mail with all the pertinent information. Check out this report from our Valuable Knowledge section: E-Mail, Autoresponders, Information-on-Demand.
Some web hosting services provide autoresponders, or you can sign up with one of several free services (that add and advertisement) such as or a pay service such as AWeber.
[Tools menu]
Banner Exchanges
Banner exchanges are a good way to attract visitors from other web sites. The idea is that you put a banner for another web site on one of your web pages in exchange for that site putting one of your banners on one of their pages. A good banner exchange program is run by
Banners are cool, but in many ways links are better. People tend to be on guard when they click on a banner. You can position your site better with some well chosen words and a link.
Here are some free Banner makers available on the Internet

E-commerce is what everybody's talking about these days. Basically it refers to setting up an electronic storefront. You can use forms or shopping carts to take your orders. It is best to accept credit cards or electronic checks for payment, but you can have the customer mail or fax an order in too.

E-zines are electronic magazines or newsletters that get sent as e-mail to a list of subscribers. They usually except advertising, so this is a great way to promote your web site or product. In fact this method of advertising has become one of the best way to get targeted visitors to your web site. Just pick a newsletter that appeals to your intended audience. While we're on the subject, please sign up for our newsletter, What's new at A good book on this subject is The E-zine Marketing Machine.
Here are some Directories that list E-zines you might want to advertise in:
Ezine Adsource Directory
Ezine Directory
Ezine Directory Free Marketing News
Ezine Search
Ezine Seek
Ezine Universe
Ezines Plus
Foxcities Ezine Directory
Mailing Lists
Mailing Lists are another way to advertise on the Internet. You must be careful when using these lists to make sure the people on the list want to receive email about the product or service you are advertising. Otherwise you might be guilty of Spamming which can get you banned from many servers.
However, it is an excellent idea to get people to sign up for something (a newsletter, free report, etc.) on your website, so that you can create a mailing list of people to send your offers to. Click here to learn how you can safely market to your clients with beautiful html email.

Link Exchanges
One advertising model is called a link exchange. This is where two or more web sites exchange advertising banners and/or links in order to promote each other's site. Some websites have taken this to an extreme. Links on sites with hundreds of links on a page are probably useless to you. Make sure your link will appear on a page on the site that will actually be found by visitors and is not buried on a list with too many other links.
[Tools menu]

Merchant Accounts
If you're selling things on the Internet, you can increase your sales by 30 to 50% by accepting credit cards and electronic checks. There are several ways to do this. You can set up a merchant account with your bank, you can set up a merchant account on line with a company such as QuickCommerce. This site uses the #1 merchant account provider to sell it's Valuable Knowledge.
[Tools menu]

Pay Per Click Advertising
A great way of getting qualified traffic to your website is to pay for small ads that appear alongside regular search listings on many search engines. This is called Pay Per Click advertising and typically costs advertisers somewhere between $.01 and $9.99 per click. Advertisers have considerable control over how much they spend and can even determine when and where their ads are displayed.
Here is a list of Pay Per Click search engines to advertise on:
ABC Search
Enhance Interactive
Google Adwords
Yahoo! Search Marketing (formerly Overture)

Submission Services and Software
There are many submission services and programs that you can use to promote your site with. Most of these will submit your main URL to many search engines. You can also submit classified ads easily with these services or programs. A good service is MGAWEB's Super Submission.
My favorite submission service is You can have them submit your URL to hundreds of search engines and directories, use all their other great resources, and then pay them what you think it was worth to you.

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